Our Approach

You’re different. We’re different. Let’s be different together.

We may not be what you expect.

By now, you’ve likely explored what social and emotional learning can offer. Some SEL providers offer curriculum only—and maybe that works for some schools. But if you’re here, it’s probably because you’re looking for something more—more for your students, more for your staff.

We’re not interested in churning out generic solutions. We’re here to make a real, lasting impact on your school culture—because curriculum alone only goes so far.

If you’re like us and believe that a positive school culture doesn’t happen by accident, we’d love to start the conversation.

We are relationship and experience focused.

Helping students grow relationally and personally without being relational and personal is like trying to teach a child to swim without ever letting them touch the water. It just doesn’t work.

Our curriculum leaves a mark because it’s designed to engage—interactive, experiential lessons built around relevant topics that ignite curiosity.

But here’s the thing: it’s not just the lessons. It’s the way teachers facilitate them, turning moments into meaningful connections. Yes, it takes time and genuine effort from administrators and teachers. But shouldn’t it? After all, why would students care about what we teach if they don’t feel we care about them?

We value educator time and expertise.

Your students’ greatest asset is their teachers. Your teachers greatest need is time. That’s why we don’t waste it. All the lessons in our middle and high school curriculum are straightforward and accessible.

We saw the need—and we delivered.

How many times have teachers said, “If only I had something like this in my classroom.” Teachers wanted something that was as engaging and inspiring for students as our staff training was for them. After hearing it enough, we got to work. We took our years of experience in youth development and turned it into something actionable for Middle and High Schools: Core Lessons.

We believe in public education.

The classroom teacher has one of the most difficult jobs, and one of the most important. There is not a group of people we respect more than educators. This micro-community we call school is where students come to learn, fail, grow, and discover how to relate with others.

If your school didn’t exist, your community—and the world—would feel its absence. Students would be less prepared for life, and we’d all lose something valuable.. We all owe so much to the people who make it happen.

We have found that curiosity, courage, and strategy are a model for growth. We call this development “from the inside out,” thus The Core Project.

Our likes, dislikes, beliefs, attitudes, perspectives, fears, and skills—they all come from somewhere. Yet, most curriculum focuses on changing actions without addressing the thinking behind them. That approach doesn’t work.

We believe that who we are matters more than what we do, because what we do is simply a reflection of who we are.

So, let’s get curious—ask more questions about ourselves and others. Let’s find the courage to be vulnerable and challenge the way we see ourselves and those around us. And let’s be strategic, putting what we learn from curiosity and courage into meaningful action.

We are relational and personal.

Our tight-knit team of highly specialized professionals doesn’t just create programs—we’re the same people who walk into your school, learn names, share stories, and sometimes even commiserate alongside your staff and students. This work matters to us.

We are made up of educators, facilitators, licensed counselors, and higher education administrators—all with a lifetime of experience in schools. This is what we do and nobody does it better.

Want to learn more about us? Reach out—we’d love to connect.

An Inside Out Model for Growth

As educators, you see the patterns: a new initiative launched every year, behavior programs that feel more like band-aids than solutions, and endless efforts to encourage positive change that don't seem to stick. These approaches often aim at external behaviors, hoping change will follow.

But what if the key to lasting growth isn’t about what students do but who they are becoming—and who we are as educators?

At The Core Project, we believe:
“Who we are is more important than what we do because what we do will always be an extension of who we are.” – Greg Sommers

This Inside-Out philosophy recognizes that real transformation doesn’t come from surface-level fixes but from fostering curiosity, courage, and intentional strategy—both in ourselves and in our students.


Curiosity is wonder – it is about taking interest. It is not judgmental and not about seeking conclusions. It is simply being present, engaged, and inquisitive. From that perspective, The Core Project believes curiosity is the place where growth originates. Curiosity, however, requires one to put aside opinions, perspectives, grievances, discomfort, insecurities, inferiorities – whether about oneself or others. A generous spirit must prevail in the place of criticism and shame.


Strategy is about organized action, not just activity. It is intentional and comes from design. Prompted by courage, strategy outlines a direction for hope to follow. Boundaries and objective standards are set in place providing a plumbline to stay the course and reach the desired outcome.


Courage is where hope and vulnerability meet. Hope – because we need to believe in something great worth pursuing. Vulnerability – because genuine growth requires transparency. Hence, courage. Courage to want more. Courage to care. Courage to receive care. Courage is risky, but not as risky as staying where we are.

What you can expect from The Core Project:

  • All our services, trainings, and curriculum are based on providing experiences as a pathway to learning.

  • We love public education. There’s no one we respect more than educators. 

  • We’re the people behind Core Lessons, the curriculum that lets you help every student develop and practice SEL skills on a weekly basis. The tool that teachers love to use because it supports what they already do naturally.

  • We work exclusively with schools who want to develop all kids at all levels. We care about nothing more than helping teachers be successful in the classroom.

  • We work with teachers, we coach administrators, and we train entire staff teams. We even work with student leaders and work with you to design custom leadership retreats or team-building workshops. We provide strategic consultation and school culture needs assessments and solutions.

  • In addition to consulting, Greg Sommers, our founder, is an inspiring and dynamic public speaker. If you want an event that engages educators at the core of who they are, hire Greg.

  • The Core Project is an evidence-informed social skill-building, school culture enhancing, social and emotional learning program.

  • We care a lot about connection and relationships. We believe in developing people from the inside out.

I think it’s safe to say many of us experienced one of the most impactful days of our careers yesterday, and we owe you a great deal of gratitude for your work.

Principal, Maconaquah High School